Running your own business is an extremely fulfilling and rewarding experience, but it doesn’t come without its own challenges. You may find yourself asking yourself, “Am I good enough to be doing this/charging this price?”, “Are people actually going to like my business?”, “Am I doing this all the wrong way”?
I can promise you that almost every other entrepreneur has asked themselves those same questions…you’re not alone. I want to also add that you are good enough; you can run your business however you want, and there is no right or wrong way to do things. Self-confidence in entrepreneurship is vital because if you are not confident in yourself, how can other people be confident in hiring or working with you? But don’t worry boo, that’s what we are diving into today.
I know that this is easier said than done, but you’ve now got a starting place with the tips below on how to improve your self-confidence in entrepreneurship.
How to Improve Your Self-Confidence in Entrepreneurship
Be intentional about what you call yourself
What you call yourself matters. If you say you just have a “little business,” it will be. Embrace who you are and what you are building.
Starting and running your own business is no small feat. Whether you are running an agency that has 50 employees or are a one-person show who does everything on their own, you are a business owner, so own that.
Don’t be afraid to use terms like CEO, founder, or owner. That is exactly what you are, and it is important that you confidently say that to everyone you meet- but also to yourself.
Master one skill first
There is a never-ending list of things that you can and need to do in business. You can take a single idea and create countless different products and services that relate to it, but you always want to start off by playing to your strengths.
Master one skill (or product) first and do it really well. This will help you build your confidence in yourself and your business and will also help you make a name for yourself that people trust and respect. Once you have mastered this one skill or perfected this product, then expand into other ventures.
The best piece of advice I can give you as a 2x founder myself and a brand strategist is that: Doing it all, for everyone, does nothing for anyone. Understanding this is an essential discovery with your confidence.
Mastering one skill or perfecting your product will not only help you go from feeling like you are doing a million different things, but none of them are successful, to feeling like you are a trusted expert on one key topic or a trusted solution to a customer need. You can then leverage this knowledge and skill to grow and expand your business from there!
Remember that most numbers online are BS
The online space can be an amazing place, but it can also be filled with an endless amount of unverifiable information and numbers. Most numbers that are being posted online are BS, and there is no way to actually fact-check them, so the best thing you can do for your confidence is to ignore them.
Instead, focus on what you know is meant to be yours (and it will be yours). Then, do the work to achieve those goals: create your brand, hone in on your messaging, find your ideal clients. Block out all of these external pressures and false narratives and focus on the controllables – what you can actually do in your business right now to take it to the next level.
Be open and considerate of feedback
When it comes to feedback, you may initially think that this will lower your self-confidence in entrepreneurship, but it is actually one of the best things you can do (on repeat) for your business. This is especially important as you first start your business or start offering a new product or service for the first time.
You need to be considerate of all feedback, especially from your clients and customers. Be adaptable and really listen to what could make things better in your business. This feedback will ultimately help you create a business that is exceptional and has a stellar client/customer experience and reputation (which is crucial when building a trustworthy brand).
It is totally normal to wonder if how you are doing things in your business actually works for your clients and customers.
- Does your process make sense?
- Do your clients have everything they need to be supported?
- Are there any holes in your process?
Don’t be afraid to ask your clients these questions and then implement their feedback. These changes will not only make your business run smoother, but it will also make you feel more confident, knowing that every part of your process is clear and your clients and customers have everything that they need from you.
Root everything in belief
A deeply rooted belief in what you are doing, what you deserve, and what this will do for you and your family is essential. Without this, you are just going through the motions and you may find yourself constantly asking yourself what your purpose is.
A great place to start with this is really honing in on what your why is. Why are you doing this? What are you trying to accomplish? Why do you want to offer this specific product or service to this specific audience?
And, don’t hesitate to add therapy to your list of business tools. Working through old wounds and beliefs will directly translate into your business growth. The inner work is often the barrier for your next level.
Your self-confidence in entrepreneurship will skyrocket when you really understand your purpose and why what you are doing is so important to you. Once you understand it and truly believe it, you can convey that why to your audience to help build their confidence and understanding in you!
Find a Mentor
Finding a trusted mentor is one of my top tips for any entrepreneur. Regardless of what level you are at, it is almost guaranteed that there is someone who is a step above you and can help you navigate the waters.
Mentors are helpful for a few different reasons:
- They can help you avoid confidence-busting mistakes that they went through when they were in your shoes
- They can help you sift through the BS online and allow you to feel more confident in the successes that you have each and every week
- They truly understand what you are going through and can help assure you that you are on the right path
- They can help be your cheerleader when it is hard to cheer for yourself
I work as a mentor to other creatives, and I have worked with mentors before to help my own business and they have not only helped me improve my self-confidence, but they have also helped me scale and transform my business in meaningful ways.
It is also important to find a coach that fully supports your brand. If you’re looking for tips on how to find a business coach who does just this, check out my podcast episode with Anna Wojtowicz, founder of The AW Creative.
Always continue learning
Finally, always be eager and open to continual learning. The business world is always going to be evolving and changing (hello AI), and in order to feel truly confident in your business, you need to be able to understand the current environment you are in. This will help you maintain your expertise within your industry.
Taking in information from people who are experts in their fields or are where you want to be in your business is invaluable. Read books, listen to podcasts, attend masterclasses, take courses, and do whatever you can do to continue to learn and grow as an entrepreneur.
Daily Practices to Build Your Self-Confidence in Entrepreneurship
If you are looking for some practical things you can do in your everyday life to build your self-confidence in entrepreneurship, try doing a few of these:
Start each day by journaling. Write down your goals for the day, what is going on in your life, what you are struggling with, or what you accomplished the day before. This will not only help you keep yourself more accountable, but it will also help you visualize all of the wins that happen on a daily basis that you may overlook otherwise.
Practice your craft
Always practice your craft. This can look like doing a passion project when you have free time, implementing new skills that you recently picked up, or learning a new skill in your business to help you grow it even more.
Make a goal for yourself to do one thing every day or one thing every week to hone in on your craft or expand it in some way so you continually grow and evolve as time goes by.
Speak highly of yourself
Always speak highly of yourself. We are all our toughest critics, but we also need to be our biggest supporters. Make it a habit to say 3 or 5 good things about yourself each and every day. This can be something that you write in your journal each morning or mantras that you say in the mirror each day.
However you choose to do this, bring positive energy and confidence into your life as often as you can.
Introduce yourself in a meaningful way
Finally, introduce yourself in a meaningful way. When you meet new people, be confident in how you talk about yourself and what you do, and don’t try to downplay yourself. You’re not “just a business owner” or “just an entrepreneur”. For example, I say “I am Bethany McCamish, owner of a strategic brand and web design agency and podcast host.” Using your first and last name is an essential part of this as it solidifies who you are. And you are a CEO, you are a founder, you are the owner of a successful business, so own that.
Final Thoughts on Self-Confidence in Entrepreneurship
While everyone is going to have moments of doubt, hopefully, these tips help you build your self-confidence in entrepreneurship. At the end of the day, it is important to remember that you are running a business, which is no small feat. Be proud of that and be confident that you know what you are doing and why you are doing it. If you need a brand that makes you feel confident sharing your business, click here to get in touch. I also offer 1:1 coaching to help you reset your thinking and reinvigorate your business to take it to the next level!